The company whose i phones pupils buy and trust

 The company whose i phones pupils buy and trust

Hello everyone, today I would like to tell you about the world of education mobile phone manufacturers. It is not a secret nowadays that teachers and students are so busy with their gadgets. There's no time for them to meet with each other. So they do it online. But we have nothing against it. If no one can teach a class or who can take a test in person, then we go for all these things in our hands.

We can work on our assignments, listen to music, play games, and look at photos. Of course, we'll buy an iPhone. And we'll also share it! The latest technology is amazing. For example, almost every student in China has a device. In India, the situation isn't so good. People can't afford the newest iPhone. This is why this industry needs some investments. Let me introduce you to what I am talking about. My name is "Zhang Mingzhu" and since 2014 I've been working as chairman of Jiezhou Technology Group (Zhenjian) in Shenzhen. Recently, I received a request from "Wang Jianxing" and he wants me for advice on how to become a leader in this global market. He thinks he knows everything, but he hasn't done anything yet. So I'm giving him my opinion. Let me introduce to you what success looks like. First of all, never think that only big companies are successful. A few years ago, when Zhenjian was established, we were only ten people. Now almost 30 people are working here. You and I are still young but now more than 10 years later we're getting a paycheck every month. This is great and a dream comes true. At first, it was hard for us to get investors, because we didn't even know where to start. Finally, Mr. Jiang Jianxin approached us and asked if we were interested in making money by investing in this new mobile phone business. Yes, we were and we were ready to invest our savings. After that, our company experienced tremendous growth, thanks to Zhang Mingzhu and his team. Our stock has risen 1000% during this period. Today we're worth around 100 billion yuan (about $15 billion). Every day, millions of shares are sold. Why? Because it works. Another reason is that this type of investment will generate income. There is nothing better than money! With the help of this kind of investment, I want to make a living. Even though we are small we're helping tens and hundreds of thousands of ordinary families. What about you? How comfortable is your life today without buying something new? Have you ever thought about what I've just told you in detail? Don't worry, this article is for everyone. All this is just a piece of information. When you have made your mind up, we'll be glad to hear from you. See you soon! Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much. Please feel free to contact me anytime!

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